Remove a trigger from a table
API Documentation
- Default
- Chain
- Thirdweb
- Wallet
- Table
- POSTCreate a new table
- DELDelete an existing table
- PUTUpdate the name of an existing table
- POSTAdd a new column to an existing table
- DELDelete a column from a table
- PUTRename an existing column in a table
- GETGet all columns from a specific table
- GETGet all tables from a specific schema
- GETGet the entire table data by table name
- GETGet the table data by column value, example: /getTableValue/users/username/johndoe
- GETGet the table data with optional filtering by multiple column values.
- POSTJoins two tables
- POSTExecute a select query
- POSTInsert data into a table
- DELDelete data from a table
- PUTUpdate data in a table
- PUTUpdate data in a table with filters
- POSTIncrement data in a table
- POSTDecrement data in a table
- GETGet default tables to prevent creating tables with same names
- POSTAdd a trigger to a table
- DELRemove a trigger from a table
- GETGet all schemas
- POSTCreate a new schema
- Auth
Remove a trigger from a table